DevOps planning stage - image shows 2 hexagon shapes in green with a white outline and three dots in the centre. These have a turquoise line going around the hexagons to indicate the planning components are connected as part of a DevOps strategy

IT software project rescue & recovery

Get unexpected critical issues fixed fast with expert IT software project rescue. Our expert team are here to help get you back on track.

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Are you experiencing an unexpected issue?

Acting quickly is crucial. Contact us immediately to speak to an expert engineer.

A green arrow is in the centre of a target which is white with turquoise outlines. The image is part of our commitment to help clients achieve their business goals and online business success

Get expert knowledge and a skilled team to get you back on track. Fast.

Our unique combination of technology and development knowledge means we’ll solve any issue quickly and efficiently, minimising the length of downtime and limit the negative impact on your budget and reputation.

As soon as you suspect or detect an issue, call us and speak directly with our experienced engineers to talk through the issue 0800 862 0844.

Our highly skilled and knowledgeable IT software project rescue team will set up a structured approach, formulate a carefully considered plan of action, and put in place vital action steps to identify the priority issues and regain control.

A green arrow is in the centre of a target which is white with turquoise outlines. The image is part of our commitment to help clients achieve their business goals and online business success

Don’t be fooled!

At first, an issue can appear simple to rectify.

However, it isn’t always what can be seen on the surface which is the real issue.

The actual issue is often buried deeper and will reoccur if it is left undetected and unresolved.

For more information, read our Project Rescue and Support document or call us to speak to a member of our team.

We carry out a thorough investigation into the issue and gain a full understanding of the root cause and the level of severity.

From this, we prioritise the most serious threats and vulnerabilities then focus appropriate resources exactly where recovery is required.

You can have peace of mind knowing we’ll get your project back on track, with as little disruption to the current project timetable as possible.

Magnifying glass with a blue outline to represent the thorough investigation HA take into IT software project rescue solving issues
Magnifying glass with a blue outline to represent the thorough investigation HA take into IT software project rescue solving issues

What sort of IT software issues do we solve? 

Any issue. You can be sure our IT software project rescue team will solve it!

Emergency issues often creates chaos within a company, both internally and externally.

The situation is extremely stressful for companies, sparking an immediate panic to rectify the issue themselves, as quickly as possible.

When a project fails, it can be due to a number of reasons. Sometimes, there can be an obvious cause, such as: a project changing scope mid-development, insufficient skillset, or pre-planning has overlooked the need to ensure all the right resources are in place to achieve the end goal.

There are situations when a project fails due to early warning signs going undetected, resulting in a much bigger problem further down the line.

Develoment planning stage - image shows 2 hexagon shapes in green with a white outline and three dots in the centre. These have a turquoise line going around the hexagons to indicate the planning components are connected as part of a DevOps strategy

Commonly experienced project recovery issues

  • Hardware failure or malfunction
  • Intractable bugs
  • Malware or other cyber attack
  • Data security breach and/or loss of data
  • Development team issues
  • Project failure
  • Project abandonment
  • Insufficient “quick fix” applied
Develoment planning stage - image shows 2 hexagon shapes in green with a white outline and three dots in the centre. These have a turquoise line going around the hexagons to indicate the planning components are connected as part of a DevOps strategy

An example of a critical issue process

Software project rescue process diagram. The flowchart process starts with Critical Issue Detected, continuing to investigation, followed by solution discovery/abandoned. The successful solution is then applied to the issue. Ongoing support is available following the project rescue, as well as the option to prevent future critical issues (continue to the Development & Deployment Workflow Diagram to understand the method used to prevent future critical issues).

Our development and deployment workflow

Development & Deployment Workflow Diagram. The flowchart for this process is split across four role responsibilities, including: Product Owner, Branch Management, Web Development Team and DevOps. Once the bug/feature or security update has been raised, the task is prioritised and put through a development and testing process: Assign task > Develop changes > Push Changes > Group Changes > Review Changes > Deploy to Staging > Test Changes. At this point, if the test fails, the project will return to the Assign Task stage and begin the process again. If the task succeeds it will then continue to Tag the release and finally Deploy to production.

Avoid missing early warning signs of IT project failures

Make sure you know what to do when you suspect or detect an issue.

Languages and frameworks we use (not restricted to):

Managed Hosting - Java logo
Managed Hosting - PHP logo
Managed Hosting - Ruby logo
Managed Hosting - python logo
docker logo
mySQL logo
percona logo